Magigoo Coater – Magigoo’s Large Scale Applicator

Magigoo Coater – Magigoo’s Large Scale Applicator

We are excited to officially announce that we have been working on and developing a new product: The Magigoo Coater


What is Magigoo?

Magigoo is an easy to use 3D printing adhesive designed to address ‘the first layer not sticking problem’. A strong adhesion between the 3D print and the heated build plate is ensured when applying Magigoo.

Magigoo comes primarily in bottles of 50ml and 120ml. To use Magigoo, one would push it down onto the build plate, to activate the nozzle and let the adhesive flow out. Then, spread the goo around as if you were using a glue stick. It’s just that simple – push and spread.

However, nowadays, with 3D printing farms becoming increasingly utilised, and larger scale printers with bigger build plates, a regular sized Magigoo bottle does not suffice. This got us thinking, ‘what can we do to remedy this?’.

Magigoo Coater

Magigoo Coater is a brand new Magigoo Application product that is designed for build plates that are larger than average. It features a pump spray that screws on to a large 250 ml Magigoo bottle. The spray is attached to an array of nozzles that evenly distribute a set amount of Magigoo onto the build plate when primed.

What are the benefits of Magigoo Coater?

Magigoo Coater allows for a micron precision coating of Magigoo on a build plate, giving an optimal adhesion, with an equally desirable release. As previously mentioned, there has been an increase of 3D printing farms recently, and they would benefit from the Coater, since it is able to cover multiple build plates, in a short time. It offers a degree of repeatability that would be very useful in a 3D printing farm.

This would be very useful for large farms, especially since it simplifies a lot of the complexities that go into printer preparation. This allows anyone to be able to effectively prepare a number of printers, as the operation would be easier to be trained to employees. The Coater provides precision and reliability in an easy way such that any layman can apply
Magigoo with it on a build plate.

Another instance that would showcase the strengths of the Magigoo Coater is when it comes to large build plates (50 x 50 mm and larger). Using the Coater, one could easily and precisely apply Magigoo to a large build plate in a matter of seconds. This is preferable to using unorthodox adhesives and tools such as brushes or rollers. Such tools may interfere with the precision and surface finish of the adhesive layer.

How to Use

To use the Coater, simply follow the two steps shown in the image below. First, while holding the applicator flat on the top of the build plate, Pump the trigger and look for the 13 droplets to appear on the build plate. Then, pull the applicator towards you, spreading the dots along the plate. This forms a thin, even layer throughout the build plate.
It is important that after using the Magigoo Coater, one must wipe down the nozzles and rod with a wet cloth. This is done to prevent the Magigoo from clogging the nozzles. We have also produced a series of How-to videos showing the Coater in action while highlighting first-use, assembly and cleaning operations
If you are interested in the Magigoo Coater and the 250ml Magigoo Refills click here, or would like more information regarding the Coater, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us here.
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